How we help you to compound your knowledge 🚀

Job Funnel
3 min readNov 21, 2021

Hey there 👋, glad that you are here this is your first step to be, sound, look and think intellectually. But how?……….. hmmmm…………………..????

The first step go to the nearest temple. Hahah no I’m just kidding. I get that it is a bad joke, anyway

Here at Job Funnel we talk and preach about personal development, finance, and startups, things that people in a start-up environment or people who are driven do a lot. But what will you benefit from the same

I as a college student was not always aware of certain vital things that are not wanted but needed in this contemporary world. But I would complain about my luck for not getting a community where they talk about these subjects. This pang led me to become more lethargic, careless, and ignorant mainly. I wasted a hell of a lot of time in this unnecessary process rather than taking care of the same.

Job Funnel is a free voluntary-driven community that is free for a lifetime🎁

But what is the key takeaway from this newsletter?

We post articles that are written by people who were once at a place where you are. And please do remember it’s never too late because when an 18 year can become a billionaire so can a 60-year-old the difference is just a number.

We touch upon topics like personal development, finance, and startups. Most people might have downloaded the linden application but that is not enough, there are a lot of opportunities waiting for you in that 24X24 icon that you have downloaded but never cared to look at, we will talk about that.

Compounding is the most powerful weapon used against modern-day enemy inflation I bet you would have heard of the two words( I told you, you are brilliant) but have you ever used compounding in real life? We will teach you all about that.

The startup, unicorns are booming in India like a weed in on barren land. Knowing about these things can be insightful in many aspects.

Not just that we have a job board at the end of every newsletter (as a bonus 🎁).

And one simple request, If you’re reading this on Medium / any social media, you can get this in your inbox from the newsletter page just by subscribing for free🚀

If newsletter is landed in any spam or promotions move us to primary :D

So for all these perks and much more please visit back. Until next time adios.

I would love that expression after reading this article.

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Job Funnel

Job Funnel is a growing community with over 5k+ followers across social platforms. We ship 3 articles every week to award you good knowledge along Job board 💼